Think of our solutions as the approach to solve your greatest challenges.
In the field of mathematics, finding a solution means solving the problem.
The same idea should apply to business and life
Yet, in most organisations, decision makers are persuaded that training or coaching programs will cross the gulf-like challenges they face.
Picture: VideoBlocks
However, experience should tell you, that even though training is important, training alone is not a solution, but rather a component, in a larger solutions approach. So what is the missing link that completes the bridge to improved results?
In a nutshell, only if knowledge is applied, autonomously practised, and coupled with rigorous accountability to the RIGHT GOALS, do you have a chance at solving problems or improving results. Sadly the environment is not often set up to enable these outcomes.
This truth is funny because it is so true and applies to all forms of education and training, not just MBA's. If the goal is to hire a certificate, you get what you pay for. Sadly, this is also true of training. Most often the goal is a signed attendance register and a good participant experience, rather than an integration into business outcomes.
Surely, that should not be the GOAL!
A fundamental solutions approach is required.
The end goal to be accomplished must be defined up front.
The right training and coaching aligned to that end goal is the foundation that provides KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING. This must be followed by a process, that allows people to use good judgement (DISCERNMENT) and help them develop excellent systems supporting and reinforcing continuity and consistency, guaranteeing implementation of desired outcomes (WISDOM). The practised WISDOM must be then framed in an environment (or culture) of ACCOUNTABILITY, to ensure reduce risk, prevent anarchy and build collaborative TRUST.
This solution is called KUDWATM.
Compliance - The Dictionary Definition
1. the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.
2. meeting the minimum conformance requirement to accepted practices, legislation or prescribed rules.
“the ways in which the state or corporations maintains order and compliance”
Compliance - The Reality Definition
1. a tick box exercise to stay out of trouble and to keep regulators (bosses) off my back.
2. doing things to satisfy auditors instead of doing the right thing.
3. mindless following of rules and practices without questioning relevance.
“the do-as-you-told mindset that creates bureaucracy while inhibiting innovation or collaboration”
This illustration by Jac Depazyk is a fitting leadership metaphor.
Our people problems, which include disengagement, lack of compliance, misalignment from the core strategy, is not limited to customer-facing or frontline workers. Often these disengagement challenges are also experienced through our management ranks, and sadly even at the executive level.
The Business Reality
We live in a low trust world, with low commitment and high risk. The external regulatory environment is rightfully increasing as morals and ethics are on the decline. Consumers want more for less. Employees want more for less. Bosses want more for less. And yet very few individuals or organisations are compliant or comply for the benefit of the stakeholders they serve.
What if you could go beyond compliance?
Compliance by definition requires obedience.
To go Beyond Compliance you need the code that causes a change in human behaviour.